Our History

We are situated in the lovely town of Wellington in the Cape Province, South Africa. And this town has an amazing story and a rich history.

Over one hundred years ago, God did a significant work through a man called Andrew Murray. Andrew Murray had a vision to train and equip missionaries from Wellington to take the gospel to the rest of Africa and the ends of the earth. He established training and mission bases in the town to achieve this.

In light of this, we believe that there remains a mandate over this town to be a place of training, a town that will continue to train and send out well-equipped people into Africa and the rest of the world and see the nations impacted with the Gospel. We believe that God has given us a similar mandate, and it is one of our desires to be an avenue to see this dream for Wellington live on.


“do not despise the day of small beginnings.” Zech 4:10


Leap formally known as TMT has a rich legacy. It began in 2001 as The Timothy Leadership Project (TLP), which was a ministry of First Love Church with the aim to, like Paul, train young Timothy’s through and for the church.

In 2004 TLP entered into partnership with the South African Theological Seminary (SATS) and began using their Bachelors in Theology program as part of the theoretical training which TLP provided in their three year program. In the same year TMT introduced a one-year program known as ONE. As TLP evolved and the focus of the training became wider than leadership training, the name was changed to Timothy Ministry Training.

In 2012 First Love Church joined JoshGen. This resulted in TMT being brought into an amazing family of congregations and has enabled TMT to be a tool and resource for JoshGen and the churches that are partners within the movement of Four12.

In 2015 we merged our former three-year and ONE program into a one-year intensive discipleship program with the option to continue into our internship program.

In this phase of our journey we are aware that we have not yet “arrived”. However, we know that as long as we keep the same vision and prayer in front of us that Jesus had: “Father let Your Kingdom come, let Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven”, we will be safe.  It is the vision to see His will be done and His Kingdom come that will continue to drive us into the future!

Timothy Ministry Training (TMT) has recently unveiled its new brand, going forward we will now be known as Leap Discipleship Year. Building on the legacy of TMT and the past 23 years we are growing our program into something fresh. Please be patient with us as we make the transition. Click here to find out more.

Timothy Ministry Training (TMT) has recently unveiled its new brand, going forward we will now be known as Leap Discipleship Year. Building on the legacy of TMT and the past 23 years we are growing our program into something fresh. Please be patient with us as we make the transition.